Steamboy anime audio download
Steamboy anime audio download

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Steamboy tells the story of Ray, a young inventor in 19th century England, and his adventures in a science fiction world of machines, rivaling those from the world of the Matrix. Most recently, Steve Jablonsky - who wrote additional music for MGS2 as Gregson-Williams' assistant - released the culmination of a two-year project for the Japanese anime film Steamboy by Katsuhiro Otomo, the director of the critically acclaimed film, Akira. Remote Control has also branched out geographically: in 2001, Harry Gregson-Williams took on the duties of scoring the Japanese video game Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Some of the best music to come out of Hans Zimmer's Remote Control studios (formerly Media Ventures) has come from solo projects by its composers, the most notable being the recent work of John Powell and Harry Gregson-Williams.

Steamboy anime audio download